Why I Became a Day School Proponent

As a product and proponent of public grade-school education, I was uncomfortable with the idea of private school and Jewish day school in particular when we began looking at schools for our two young toddlers. Personally, I had grown up attending very high quality public schools in an affluent northeast suburb, and I attended a prominent, traditional, conservative synagogue for Hebrew school twice a week (an hour and a half after school) and Sunday school (two and a half hours) each week until I became a Bat Mitzvah. . .

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Einstein Academy
Navigating Transitions: From Day School to Public School

When I first considered sending my daughter to Albert Einstein, I had the same concern many parents do — would she have enough socialization? Would she have enough friends? How would she do in the transition from small Jewish day school to either larger private school or significantly larger public school? Was I setting her up for future successes, or future failures?

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